1. 9 Metric Tons of Grenades and other explosive devices from Coruscant to the Outer Rim. Planet will be told at send off. Freighter can be provided (but that cuts the payout down to 70,000 Credits if you use my property! --Beneficiary). Payment is 100,000 Credits if haul is successful.
2. Bodyguard (you) and entourage of 3 npcs escort one individual from JEDHA to Tatooine. You will need your own vessel. Payment is 85,000 Credits if the individual is alive when given to the beneficiary.
3. "1 Blind Man, 1 Teenager, and 1 droid and no questions asked.." Escort Occupants with your personal vessel from Kashyyyk to Hoth. Payment is 60,000 Credits
4. Recovery of missing items (items are Chain Coded & key phobbed) upon unknown world. Planet is within the Outer Rim. Payment is 50,000 Credits. "Just contact me and if necessary I will provide a shuttle but you would need to be in the Core or Mid Rim regions. Just get my stuff back." --Beneficiary
5. Unknown Cargo. Pick up planet is Bespin and the destination is Imperial Core is Alderaan. Payment is 38,000 Credits if commute is successful.